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Food Allergy Advocacy

I am very passionate about spreading awareness for food allergies.
I have lived with severe food allergies for my whole life and being able to share my experiences and advice through advocacy work means so much to me. 

I am apart of the Teen Advisory Group (TAG) at FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education). I actively collaborate with teens who are my age to help spread awareness for food allergies. I'm also a FARE Teal Champion and love to talk about my journey with food allergies in order to spread awareness. Food allergy advocacy is an important part of living with food allergies and being able to connect with so many people who also have food allergies.

As a part of being at TAG Member, I am leading my own project called Food Allergy Life my friends and I collaborate to creates videos taking about our life living with food allergies from a teens perspective. We share recipes, tips, and discussions to educate and inform.

I am also so excited to have collaborated with FARE's Living Teal Channel and Food Network Judge Ali Khan. This was such a fun video to film and you can watch it here!

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